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Licking Heights Local Schools Recognizes School Board Appreciation Month

Students across the Licking Heights school district celebrated School Board Recognition Month at the January 17 regular board meeting. From the elementary schools to the high school, students shared their gratitude with board members Brian Bagley, Tiffany Blumhorst, Paul Johnson, Mark Rader and Tracy Russ.


Student leaders from South Elementary led the festivities by presenting the board with a “survival kit” full of humorous and symbolic gifts. This included a battery so they could recharge and a fan to keep cool in stressful situations.


West Elementary students then read the board thank-you cards they had written. In particular, students shared their gratitude to the board for helping keep their schools well-stocked with supplies and providing educational experiences in and outside the classroom. South and West students also joined together to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of the meeting.


High school freshman Matthew Schmitz presented the board with custom-made yard signs, which he created with his fellow Fab Lab (Fabrication Lab) members.


Superintendent Dr. Kevin S. Miller also took the opportunity to thank the board for their service and support to the district. A resolution was read officially declaring January as School Board Recognition Month across the district.


“Our community values a quality education as a vital step along the pathway to success for our children. Brian Bagley, Tiffany Blumhorst, Paul Johnson, Mark Rader and Tracy Russ contribute greatly to this community through their service on the Licking Heights Local School District Board of Education,” Miller read. “These local decision-makers set the policies and procedures to govern all aspects of school district operation, keep attention focused on progress toward the school district’s goals, maintain a two-way communications loop with all segments of the community and are serving our community with integrity, honor and a commitment to our children’s futures.”


Each board member also received a framed Certificate of Appreciation from the Ohio School Boards Association.