We are excited to welcome your freshman to Licking Heights High School. On Thursday, August 17th, your student will attend the Freshman First Day. This event will take place from 8:05 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Licking Heights High School. It is important to note that your student’s EMA must be completed prior to this date in order to receive their schedule. You can complete your student’s EMA by using the following link
Freshman First Day includes the opportunity for students to receive their schedules, meet their new teachers, become familiar with the high school, and participate in team building activities. School pictures will also be taken on this date. Please watch your email for communication from HR Imaging regarding the purchase of photos. This is considered a school day for all freshman students and attendance is required.
The District will be using an opt-out system, so students who rode the bus in the previous school year will be automatically opted-in. Watch for additional communication from our transportation department regarding more specific information concerning the coming school year and transportation services.
Student Meals
An important reminder that circumstances have changed regarding student meal fees. USDA waivers in place during the pandemic have expired. This means for 2023-24, Food Service Programs across the nation will return to normal, pre-pandemic operations, and students will be required to pay for breakfast AND lunch. Families will once again be asked to complete and submit a current school year Free and Reduced Meal Application if they would like to see if their student(s) qualify based on the income of all family members. More about food services can be found
HERE or by visiting:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jessica Clark at
[email protected].
Thank you,
Jessica Clark, Freshman Orientation Coordinator
Dawn McCloud, Principal