Pupil Services
Pupil Services includes all programs and services that support students and their families. The staff in this office research, evaluate, and implement the best academic, emotional, and social plans for each student based on their unique needs. Through leadership, advocacy, data collection and analysis, and delivery of programs and services, the Pupil Services office provides the best possible educational experience and ensures the well-being of every student.
This vertical alignment creates a strong network of support for all students as we realize our number one goal: every student achieves educational success.
The Licking Heights Pupil Services Department oversees:
—Special Education, including a continuum of services for students age 3 through 21 identified as disabled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
—Section 504 compliance
—English Language Learning
—Family and community engagement
—School Counseling
—Health Services
—Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for McKinney-Vento and Foster Care
—Attendance/Columbus Crew Stay in the Game
—Title IX Non-Discrimination
—Suicide prevention
—Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
Please view our plan for the FY2024 approved funding for Student Wellness and Success and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid funds