Voice Recognition

Licking Heights Local School District News Article

2023-2024 Beginning of the Year Letter

August 1, 2023

Dear Parent/Guardian:

We hope this letter finds you well and that you are enjoying the summer. In preparation for the 2023-2024 school year, there are several important items to bring to your attention.

Thursday, August 17th only 9th grade students will report for a regular school day. We will welcome students in grades 10-12, beginning Friday, August 18th. Each school day doors will open at 7:45 am. Classes will begin at 8:05 am and conclude at 3:00 pm. The first week of school (August 17th and 18th) we will follow the 7 period bell schedule. The bell schedule can be viewed by visiting 2023-2024 LHHS Bell Schedule .  

The regular schedule, which includes our modified block, will begin the following week. All students will have a delayed start on Wednesdays.  Transportation will be provided for those students who have opted in.


Schedule pickup will be located in the high school auxiliary gym. Please enter the building at door E117, the Student/Activity entrance, on the following dates:

August 7th from 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm
SENIORS and FRESHMAN (letters A-H)

August 8th from 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm
JUNIORS and FRESHMAN (letters J-P)

August 9th from 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Fees are due the first day of school and can be paid online by using the EZpay link.  Fees can also be paid at the high school by check, money order or cash. If paying in cash please bring exact change.

Each student is assessed a $25.00 general fee every school year. This money pays for agenda books and classroom consumables. There is a $40 non refundable technology fee for Chromebooks. Fee waivers cannot be applied for technology fees. Students driving to school will be required to register their vehicle with the front office and pay a $20 fee for a Student Parking Pass. The pass must be placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle. Students will be charged a $5 fee for a replacement pass.

YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A SCHEDULE UNLESS YOU HAVE COMPLETED OR UPDATED YOUR EMA (EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM). Once you submit your EMAs and it says pending, you have completed the process. See below for access instructions to PowerSchool for EMA completion

You can access the PowerSchool portal at https://lhsd.powerschool.com/public/home.html.

Parents, if you do not have a PowerSchool account set up, then follow the instructions in the link provided here: How to create your PowerSchool Account Directions.

Parents, if you have an account and need to add all of your children on that account then follow this link: How to add a child to your PowerSchool Account Directions.

August 17th from 8:05 am to 3:00 pm - information is coming soon!

Chromebooks will be handed out during the first week of school.

After a student is absent, a note from the parent/legal guardian must be submitted to the attendance secretary as soon as possible. If no note is submitted after three (3) school days, the absence will be unexcused and filed as part of the student’s record.

*After eleven (11) days (65 hours) excused OR unexcused absences the student may be referred to the Absence Intervention Team.

*Twelfth grade (12th) students who are habitually truant or chronically tardy, equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the school year, will not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremony.

There will be a discipline progression for students who are tardy to school and/or tardy to class. Tardies will be checked every Monday for the week prior and the appropriate discipline progression will be followed. The tardy count will reset every week.  The discipline progression will include a warning, detention, and in-school suspension. This progression will be shared with students and families the first week of school.

Cell phones MUST be put away during instructional time unless the teacher authorizes use. This includes the use of headphones. Students must only have ONE headphone, AirPod, etc. in their ear while transitioning classes for safety purposes. A discipline progression will be followed for those who do not adhere to the policy.

Students attending Licking Heights will present themselves in a positive, respectful, and mature manner. All students will observe the dress code outlined on pages 27 of the student handbook. Parents please be sure to review this section of the handbook with your student.

Clear and mesh backpacks are recommended. Students must leave all other backpacks in their lockers when arriving at school and may remove them at the end of the day.

All students entering 7th and 12th grade must have the meningococcal vaccine before the first day of school.

Individual classes provide a supply list on the first day of school. To get started your student will need pens, pencils and notebooks.

If your student(s) are not utilizing our buses this year, please notify the transportation office by either going to the school website or emailing them at [email protected].

We look forward to partnering with you and your students for a successful 2023-2024 school year.   If at any time you have questions, suggestions or concerns, please feel free to contact the high school office.  Also, follow our social media pages for more up to date information. FB: https://www.facebook.com/LHLocalSchools.

Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria before school. The cost for breakfast is $1.25 for full pay, $.30 for reduced pay and free for those who qualify. Lunch is $2.75 for full pay, $.40 for reduced pay and free for those who qualify. Please fill out to see if you qualify: Free and Reduced Lunch Application.

Outside food or drink is not permitted. This includes food deliveries from both parents and food delivery services such as DoorDash.

Senior Class Parent Meeting will be held in the high school auditorium on: August 23rd from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Parent Meetings for 9th, 10th and 11th grade will be held in the high school auditorium on: September 28th  from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Game: Sept. 22, 2023
Dance: Sept. 23, 2023

May 3, 2024

We are deeply committed to the success and well-being of our students, and we are dedicated and committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and engaging learning environment that nurtures their growth and prepares them for the future.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you and your student soon.

Warmest regards,

Mrs. Dawn McCloud, Principal 
Mr. David Moore, Asst. Principal 
Mr. Michael Shipton, Asst. Principal 
Dr. Micah Tomlin, Asst. Principal
Mr. Tyler Hennen, Dean of Students 

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Licking Heights Local School District

6539 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-6926 | F: 740-927-9043

Licking Heights High School (9-12)

4101 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-964-9005 | F: 740-927-0508

Licking Heights Middle School (7-8)

4000 Mink Street Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-9046 | F: 740-927-3197

Summit Station Intermediate

6565 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-3365 | F: 740-927-5845

Broad Peak Elementary (K-4)

6623 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-964-1674 | F: 740-964-1625

Everest Elementary (K-4)

1490 Climbing Fig Blacklick, OH 43004
P: 614-864-9089 | F: 614-501-4672

Lima Ridge Elementary (K-4)

3693 Summit Road SW Pataskala, OH 43062
P: (740) 963-3665 | F: (220) 246-9400

Pathfinders Preschool

6507 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-3268 | F: 740-927-5736

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