Help build the next chapter of Licking Heights history! Click
HERE to purchase an engraved brick paver and support both our new athletic facilities and the school support organizations that make projects like this possible–our PTO, Athletic Boosters, and Music Boosters.
Bricks will be placed at the entrance walkway leading into the stadium’s main entrance, and your support will be on full display for all who walk into the new complex. Two different brick sizes are available: 4 x 8 or 8 x 8.
Choose whether you would like your brick purchase to benefit:
—Athletic Boosters
—Music Boosters
Friends, family, community members, local businesses, and alumni are welcome to participate in this fundraiser. You have a choice of text only or text with a symbol. Please note that all engraving will be done in CAPITAL letters.
See below for available sizes and costs:
—4 x 8 Engraved Brick: $75.00
—4 x 8 Engraved Brick with Symbol: $100.00
—8 x 8 Engraved Brick: $250.00
—8 x 8 Engraved Brick with Symbol: $300.00
Bricks will be engraved in batches and installed when the last brick is engraved. Tentative timeline for installation will begin when all bricks have been sold. The deadline to purchase a brick is December 31, 2024.
Thank you for your continued support and for giving our students at Licking Heights the best educational and extracurricular experiences possible!