
Voice Recognition



Tutor List for 2024-2025

See the PDF document below for a list of core subject tutors.
College Testing Links
Grade Point Average (GPA)
To calculate a grade point average (G.P.A.), assign a weighted point value to each course grade and divide by the total number of credits. For partial-credit courses use the fractional value of the grade. For example, a half credit course with an earned grade of a C would be .5 x 2 = 1. Then add this to the other grades earned for total points earned. This total is then divided by the total credits earned to determine the G.P.A. This can be done by grading period, semester, year or for a series of school years.
Instructional materials
Any person or group, having a legitimate interest in the operations of Licking Heights Local Schools, has the right to present a request, suggestion, or complaint concerning the educational program or the operations of the district. Requests must be put in writing and should be initially addressed to the building principal. Members of the public may also inspect instruction materials by requesting an appointment with the building principal. If the request, suggestion, or complaint relates to instructional materials such as books, textbooks, or other instructional aids used in the District, the information should include author, title, and sections objected to. This information will be forwarded to the district office and reviewed by an administrative committee.
Contact information
Curriculum Director, 7-12
(740) 927-6926, ext. 10400

Curriculum Director, PreK-6
(740) 927-6926, ext. 10750

Literacy Coach

Literacy Coach

Technology Integration Specialist

Licking Heights Local School District

6539 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-6926 | F: 740-927-9043

Licking Heights High School (9-12)

4101 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-964-9005 | F: 740-927-0508

Licking Heights Middle School (7-8)

4000 Mink Street Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-9046 | F: 740-927-3197

Summit Station Intermediate

6565 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-3365 | F: 740-927-5845

Broad Peak Elementary (K-4)

6623 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-964-1674 | F: 740-964-1625

Everest Elementary (K-4)

1490 Climbing Fig Blacklick, OH 43004
P: 614-864-9089 | F: 614-501-4672

Lima Ridge Elementary (K-4)

3693 Summit Road SW Pataskala, OH 43062
P: (740) 963-3665 | F: (220) 246-9400

Pathfinders Preschool

6507 Summit Road Pataskala, OH 43062
P: 740-927-3268 | F: 740-927-5736

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