English Language Learner Program OverviewLicking Heights is home to close to 1000 English Learners (ELs) speaking 47 different languages. The district provides various levels of services to this highly heterogeneous group of students, with diverse gifts, educational needs, backgrounds, languages, and goals. The purpose of our program is to accelerate English language literacy while valuing the social and cultural knowledge that a child brings to school. The district primarily serves ELs based on language needs through self-contained instruction and/or inclusive instructional settings.
Districtwide Known Languages Licking Heights ELL Population Demographics
Language Assistance
If you have difficulty understanding English, you may, free of charge, request an interpreter or a translation for Licking Heights School District information by contacting the Office of Pupil Services, 740-927-3365 extension 30180/40126 or emailing
[email protected].